Reddit网友热议GenG战胜LGD: Mark让人感到奇怪

时间:2020-10-04 09:45:48 来源:游戏主播网

Gen.G vs. LGD Gaming / 2020 World Championship - Group C / Post-Match Discussion


That was a pretty hard int from reddit. Reddit这波送的够狠的(译者按:在DWG vs JDG的比赛结束后,Reddit的英雄联盟板块崩了,这也就是为什么这篇撸友之声拖到现在)


I thought there was something wrong woth my app. 我以为是我的app出问题了


I thought my internet went down and I'd miss the one game I really wanted to watch lol 我以为我网络坏了,这样我就看不了我特别想看的一场比赛啦


Same dude, I was about to rage 我也是,差点怒了


reddit servers need a huge buff Reddit服务器需要一次大的加强


Running it straight down mid 直接从中路开送


I just want to see the statistics, I wonder how many people went to Reddit at the same time for it to crash this hard 我就想看看数据,有多少人同时进入Reddit导致服务器崩溃到这种程度


DWG's stomp crushed reddit DWG横扫JDG直接把Reddit给击垮了


Life breathing life into Gen.G Life为GenG带来了生机


He should have died so many times. Wtf was i watching lol 他有好多次应该死了的,我这都看的是啥啊?


he's the worlds best support sett hands down. been playing insane as sett support in lck too 他应该是世界上最好的瑟提辅助,在LCK的表现也很疯狂


Literally peak performance Sett gameplay, singlehandedly made so many fights go their way 这就是瑟提的巅峰表现,很多团战里以一己之力将团战的风向改变


Life carrying ruler was not something I thought I would see. What a performance from this guy Life把Ruler给carry了并不在我的预计范围内,这家伙表现真好。


Syndra R is a very nice, skillful ability :))) 辛德拉的大招是一个非常优秀,并且需要技巧的技能(译者按:在外服。辛德拉的大被认为是一种很不需要技巧的技能,因为你只需要按下R健,对面就死了,所以也有#press R#的标签)


"Bdd dies from the hard skill button" -quikshot 2020 "Bdd直接被辛德拉充满技巧的大招砸死”-Quickshot于2020年说道(Quickshot是本场的LEC解说)


The counterplay button



The outplay button 一键秀翻敌人


Syndra R the counter play in every teamfight this game 辛德拉的R在每一波团战里都对对面造成了很大的打击


First close game today. 今天第一场焦灼的比赛


LGD were making a comeback

Is that allowed this worlds?



As per FlyQuest vs TES... no. FLY打TES吗,没戏


Group C is going to be lit, all the other groups just seem like stomps lmao C组会非常好看,而其他的组大概都会是碾压吧


not for us TSM fans TSM粉丝并不这么觉得


LGD definitely looked a lot better than they were in play-ins.

They likely needed play-ins badly to get themselves acclimated. This Group C is going to be on a razor's edge for every team.



With the amount of solo engages Mark was making you'd think LGD was speaking five different languages. Mark这么多次单人开团,这会让人觉得LGD的队员们说着五种不同的语言


Support difference was insane. Despite that it was a very close game. 虽然这把很焦灼,但是这辅助差距挺大的


Mark also had so much clutch e's. Peanut was invisible tho Mark有很多关键E,但是Peanut这把隐身了


Mark had some whiffy engages, but overall he wasn't bad, just Life had his best game ever. Peanut early game was atrocious, he just walked around the map for like a minute doing zero. Mark有着很多不是特别好的开团,但是总体来讲不错,而且Life打出了生涯最好的表现。Peanut的前期是真的差,他一直在地图上乱逛,而且将近一分钟没做事情。
